
Plan for No In-Person Gatherings:

Keystone Family,

After much careful consideration, we believe that it is prudent for us not to gather corporately in person this Sunday, March 15th, at either of our campuses.  This has been a difficult decision for us to make as we will miss being together very much.  In light of the rapidly changing status of COVID-19 in our state and local counties, we will keep a close watch on how things develop, and will evaluate our plans early next week for future Wednesday and Sunday gatherings.

Though we will not be together this weekend, please be very intentional about staying connected and living life together from a distance.

Here are a few specific things to prioritize until we can all gather together again:

Participate in Home Worship This Sunday

We will provide a home worship guide for you to use in your home with your family on Sunday morning.  It will include some resources to encourage your worship as a family, or as individuals, through singing, praying, and giving, as well as a video Bible challenge from Pastor John Tracy. The Home Worship Guide will be sent to your email and posted on our website on Sunday morning. 

Communicate Pastoral Care Needs

Our elders, deacons, and staff want to know if we can provide care for our people in this season, especially for those in our congregation who are at greatest risk.  Please let us know how we can help, no matter how big or small the matter. 

Live In Groups

If you are connected in a Life Group or Bible Study, we encourage you to explore ways to still meet together and stay connected.  Even if you cannot do so in person, strive to connect via phone or video calls to continue ministering to, encouraging, and praying for one another in the days and weeks ahead.   Do your best to not let your connection to the body drift during this time.


We care deeply for those who are already affected by this and encourage you to pray for those who are sick and suffering.  Pray also for God’s leading and wisdom as we navigate the next few weeks.   

Stay Informed  

All future communication will continue to be distributed through this page: Please check back regularly for the latest announcements.  We will also do our best to push announcements posted on this page to our email and social media channels.  

Connect With Each Other

Please use your login to Breeze if you need contact information for your brothers and sisters at Keystone and communicate regularly to encourage and lovingly care for each other.  You can sign up and/or log in to Breeze here

Thank you for helping us keep Keystone Bible Church a safe place to make and mature disciples who are becoming like Jesus Christ.

Friendship Dinners - Odessa Campus

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Friendship Dinners - Wesley Chapel Campus

Please fill out the information below to be included in the upcoming Welsey Chapel Campus Friendship Dinners.  

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