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4 & 5 Year Old KBC Kids

1st - 4th Grade KBC Kids



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Discussion Guide: 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Love Looks Like This – Part 6



  1. Love never gives up.
  2. Love never loses faith.
  3. Love never loses hope.
  4. Love never quits.

Gospel love is based on endless hope!  Selfish love leads to a hopeless end!

Application Discussion / Next Steps:

  1. Re-read 1 Corinthians 13:1-7 – What stood out to you in the sermon this morning?
  2. As you observe the 15 descriptions of agape love in verses 4-7, where are you the most challenged and convicted?
  3. In what way have you struggled to love others because of a lack of belief, faith, and hope in the God of second chances?
  4. Who, in your life, needs you to to believe all things on their behalf by covering past mistakes with agape love?  How can you apply that this week?
  5. How can we be a “safe place for sinners” at Keystone Bible Church?  What does that mean?
  6. What did you think of the statement, “You’re free to stop loving each other with unending, unfailing love, when Jesus Christ stops loving you with unending, unfailing love.”?
  7. How have you seen Biblical agape love directed toward you recently at Keystone? Share some specific personal examples.
  8. How would your Keystone family know that you love them? …Or, how might you need to change in order to better demonstrate that love?
  9. Using 1 Corinthians 13 as a mirror for your life, and our church, are we passing the love test?
  10. What relationship(s) in your life right now most needs you to apply radical, gospel-saturated 1 Corinthians 13 love?

Prayer Time:

  1. Pray for the ongoing unity of Keystone Bible Church as we study the truth of 1 Corinthians.
  2. Pray through 1 Corinthians 13:1-7, and ask God to reveal ways that you need to grow in your love toward others.

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